ChannelBot Logo


Build the Community of Your Dreams

Feature Rich

Reaction roles, welcome messages and DMs, temporary channels, voice text linking, join to create voice channels, polls, and much more, all for free! There's no need for multiple bots, ChannelBot has it all.


Why stick only with Discord's features? Time channel locks and hides, create sticky messages, automatically publish announcements, create image only-channels, set up automatic reactions, delete pin confirmation messages, and more, all with ChannelBot!

Server Management

Manage your server and channels with ChannelBot's useful server management commands! Manage roles, permissions, channels and categries, get extensive user, server, and channel information, and more with short and simple commands!

Backups & Server Setup

Backup channels, roles, emojis, permissions, and messages with our new backup feature! Starting a new community? Completely setup your server's channels, roles, and permissions with our server setup feature!

Trusted by Thousands

ChannelBot helps gamers, designers, community builders, companies, school groups, and more manage their communities!





Get Started

To get started with ChannelBot, invite the bot to your server or log in to our dashboard!