ChannelBot Premium

Get a ton more features for your community!

Powerful Tools

With premium you can add permissions to all channels, lock & unlock multiple channels at once, sync channels, and much more, all with single commands. No need to edit the permissions of every channel in your server!


With premium, there are no limits to the amount of reaction roles, join-to-create voice channels and temp channel reactions you can have in your server! No need to worry about running into those pesky limits!

No Votes Needed

Bypass the voting restrictions for certain commands, like reaction roles and temp channels, and get things done faster! No need to go through the voting process every time.

Default Roles

Instead of role locking and unlocking, choose the list of roles that should be affected by the lock and hide commands by default!

Get Priority

Premium users get priority support & suggestions, a special donator role, and a secret donator-only chat in our support server! Flex on your friends (but be nice)!

And Much More

Get all the features here, plus much more, like temp locking channels for more than 48 hours with a ChannelBot premium subscription!

Purchase Premium

To purchase premium, continue to our Patreon page.